The rates have been made taking into account the costs of raw materials, energy and transport, and will be effective during the first quarter of 2024.
In order to request the new updated rates, you must contact us by email:
The rates have been made taking into account the costs of raw materials, energy and transport, and will be effective during the first quarter of 2024.
In order to request the new updated rates, you must contact us by email:
The Irrigators Community of the Eastern Zone of Terra Alta has already launched the remote control system for the new irrigation season.
FARELL INSTRUMENTS continues to be the leading company in the sale of irrigation systems for irrigation communities in southern Europe.
FARELL INSTRUMENTS celebrates this June 12, 2023 its 34th anniversary since its registration as a company in the Mercantile Registry.
The FARELL RENEWAL PLAN is extended during 2023, to enable customers and users to renew the technology of their facilities at a reduced cost.
FARELL INSTRUMENTS will be present at the 27th International Water and Irrigation Show, which this year commemorates its 50th anniversary.
PORAGUA brings together farmers and experts in Carrión de los Condes at the “Chronicle of Irrigation” event, to debate the future of water in the agricultural sector.
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