Leaders in the market of irrigation systems

FARELL INSTRUMENTS continues to be the leading company in the sale of irrigation systems for irrigation communities in southern Europe.

After two decades being the reference in irrigation systems, IRRIMATION is once again the product that provides the most reliability to users and clients in the agricultural sector, leading once again with the largest number of equipment and projects installed in the sector.

Aragón, Castilla y León, Catalonia and Navarra, have been the territories with the largest investments in the installation and renewal of IRRIMATION equipment, since the economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The strong commitment of the public administrations in the modernization of irrigation and the contribution of European funds from the NextGeneration are a great injection for the modernization of irrigation systems, after two decades since its inception. These investments allow us to be optimistic for the coming years in this process of implementing technology for greater control and efficiency on farms.


Earth Overshoot Day

On Earth Overshoot Day, the day on which we have exhausted the resources that the Earth can regenerate in one year, we remain committed to changing this reality.

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Soil Conservation

At FARELL INSTRUMENTS we celebrate International Soil Conservation Day by betting on innovation in technological development as a tool to raise awareness of the environment.

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