Commissioning at CR Terra Alta

The Irrigators Community of the Eastern Zone of Terra Alta has already launched the remote control system for the new irrigation season.

This May 2024, remote control of the 1st phase of the Irrigation Community of the Eastern Zone of Terra Alta is launched, with the help of IRRIGA WATER SOLUTIONS, FARELL PARTNER in Lleida.

The complex orography of the territory has required very rigorous studies and installation to be able to cover all the plots, and around 350 remote devices for hydrants have been installed, with 6 concentrators and a control center.

With this launch, IRRIGA WATER SOLUTIONS consolidates itself in the irrigation market in Catalonia, offering a comprehensive solution for irrigation communities.


New IRRIMATION P6 Remote unit

After more than two decades leading irrigation remote control systems, and with the desire to continue providing the latest technology, FARELL INSTRUMENTS presents the new P6 remote unit.

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